The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) was established in 2001 to conduct independent and objective evaluations of Fund policies and activities. Under its Terms of Reference, it is fully independent from the Management of the IMF and operates at arm's length from the Board of Executive Directors.
Latest Releases
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April 23, 2020Implementation Plan in Response to The Board-Endorsed Recommendations From The IEO Evaluation Report on IMF Advice on Unconventional Monetary Policies
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Work Program
Annual Reports
our mandate
The IEO's mission is to:
Enhance the learning culture within the Fund, strengthen the Fund's external credibility, and support Institutional governance and oversight.
Enhance the learning culture within the Fund, strengthen the Fund's external credibility, and support Institutional governance and oversight.
Terms of Reference
Evaluating the Evaluator
about us
IEO staff comprises the Director and 18 other members, including 11 professionals. A majority of the IEO staff is recruited from outside the IMF. The IEO also engages consultants with particular expertise for specific evaluation projects.
Charles Collyns
Prakash Loungani
Assistant Director
Michael Kell
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Jun Kim
Advisor and Alternate Senior Budget Manager
Cyrus Rustomjee
Advisor and Senior Personnel Manager
Reginald Darius
Lead Evaluator
Louellen Stedman
Lead Evaluator and Alternate Senior Personnel Manager
Senior Economist
Miguel de Las Casas
Senior Economist
Jung Kim
Senior Economist
Alisa Abrams
Joshua Wojnilower
Economist and Budget Officer
Roxana Pedraglio
Senior Research Officer and Budget Officer
Sriram Balasubramanian
Senior Research Officer
Kwang Lee
Research Officer
Yishu Chen
Research Assistant
Annette Canizares
Office Manager
Arun Bhatnagar
Senior Admin Assistant
Andrea Nicole Tumbaco
Staff Assistant
be a part
The IEO is based at the IMF headquarters in Washington, DC, USA. In addition to the regular staff positions at the IEO (recruited from the outside and seconded from the IMF staff) there are a variety of options to work for the IEO as a consultant. Long-term consultants are hired for the duration of an entire project or more. Short-term consultants cover particular aspects of a project. Some of the short-term consultants stay based in their home country while working for the IEO.
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